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Your Safe Haven

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Greeting & welcome my friends. Let me begin straight off the bat by saying well done on taking this step & clicking on this page. There is a reason you've made it here at this point in time. If you're currently reading this, i want you to know in my eyes you are brave & courageous. My purpose of creating this platform is to let you know that you are not alone. Whatever your struggle is that you are currently facing, your loneliness, you have a friend in me.

Palm Trees


My objective is to connect with each one of you guys on a personal level. Not forum or community based, but directly, one on one & get to know you as well as let you know you have a buddy indeed. 

Provided on this site is my email address. If you wish to remain anonymous the choice is entirely yours, however, like I said, I would love to have a personal connection with you & get to know you better. 

Just some insights on myself. I am a 25 year old male individual & live in South Africa. Going through my own battles throughout my teenage years as well as young adult life, i believe every challenge, whether it be heartbreak, rejection or shame, was placed in my life for a greater purpose. Having gone through these series of events, its shaped me to who i am today & I can honestly tell you the strength you gain from the comeback is huge in proportion to the setback. My number one priority of  this platform is YOU. As a young adult trying to find his purpose in life, being brought up in a Christian based faith, I've become a strong believer in serving others & making a difference even if it just means brightening up your day. I work a 7 to 4 job, so do understand if you don't receive a prompt reply, just hang in there, like I've said, my priority is YOU, & the minute i reach home will be dedicated to spend time with you.

My dream is to broaden this platform & dedicate many hours to being there for you, because I really care & want you to know that you are loved deeply. If you would like to contribute to this platform, or if you feel I've helped you in any aspect , please feel free to donate to our PayPal, however you are not obligated to but it would help in providing more resources to you with my plans for this platform. Remember, whatever it is you're going through is only temporary, rock bottom will teach you lessons mountain tops never will, I would love to be there to guide & support you on your journey to summit your peak.

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